2020 Benvenuto/Samet High School Winners Announced

October 31, 2020 - Staff

Every fall, the RCAH Center for Poetry holds the Richard Benvenuto High School Poetry Competition and the Tom Samet High School Fiction Competition. The competitions are open to Michigan high school students.

While we have traditionally used postal mail to put the call out to more than 230 schools, we could not do that in 2020. Instead, we emailed 132 schools for which we could find email addresses and waited to see how many entries we would receive from schools that might be meeting in person, or virtually, or in some hybrid manner.

We were delighted to receive 142 poems and 39 stories from students at 15 high schools. Our staff read and scored every entry, and winning selections were made. Please view the full announcement here

This year's winners' reading and celebration will be held online, and we look forward to hearing these talented young writers present their work. Please join us Wednesday, November 18 at 7 p.m. ET.