Resources for MSU Students

Center for Poetry Lending Library Catalog 

The RCAH Center for Poetry has its own poetry library, featuring a selection of poetry collections, anthologies, texts, biographies, and more. Available to anyone with an active MSU email address, books must be returned prior to the end of the semester in which they're checked out. For inquiries, contact or visit during our office hours. 


Annie Balocating Undergraduate Prize for Poetry

The RCAH Center for Poetry administers the Balocating Undergraduate Prize for Poetry annually in the spring semester, offering a $500 prize for a single poem, with final selection by a Center for Poetry visiting poet. Open to undergraduate students of any major within Michigan State University. 


Michigan State University Slam Team

The MSU Slam Team helps empower East Lansing and Michigan State University’s community of poets. They typically meet on Mondays during the semester at 7:00 p.m. To receive the location or modality information, or have any questions please email and/or follow them on Instagram (@msuslam).


Michigan State University Writing Center

The Michigan State University Writing Center hosts writing consultations, writing workshops, writing groups, and student employment opportunities to MSU students and the entire MSU community. They have several locations across campus and are also available for asynchronous consultations.  


MSU Department of English Creative Writing Awards

In the early spring semester, the MSU Department of English sponsors the annual Creative Writing Awards, offering awards for the best submissions in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and playwriting. Submissions are accepted from any major, and there are additional scholarships for various majors within the department. Inquiries: